Quality in Details: Synergy's Approved Vendor Checklist
Click here to view this article and others in Synergy's quarterly Legacy Magazine.
Each ingredient in Synergy WorldWide’s products and Nature’s Sunshine Products (NSP) is supplied by one of 350 approved vendors that have endured in-depth scrutiny by NSP’s quality control team. All of Synergy’s raw materials are sourced through exceptional vendors who hold the highest quality standards. And what are those standards, exactly? Synergy accepts nothing less than the highest levels of purity, potency and safety.

Keep in mind that vendors who are approved aren’t approved indefinitely. Each vendor must continue to prove the quality of its products and practices. From start to finish, there are hundreds of steps that NSP’s quality control team will carry out to ensure its customers are receiving the best products on the market, said Lynda Hammons, NSP’s Vice President of Quality Assurance.
The vendor selection process consists of four basic steps, and each step requires dozens of protocols. Here are the steps Hammons leads her team through so that NSP and Synergy can deliver power, health-enhancing products to you:
The questionnaire acts much like a preliminary interview. Synergy and NSP want to make certain that they know basic information about potential vendors and their products before pursuing them further. Some of this information includes the company’s history, and the procedures they use to manufacture and test their products. Through the questionnaire, our teams find the genus and species of each raw material, as well as the part of the plant that was used. If the questionnaire states that the vendor uses all stem material, but Research and Development finds traces of roots and leaves, the vendor loses credibility.
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