Synergy WorldWide executives congratulate newest Pearl Executive!

After attending his first Team Manager Academy and Legacy Retreat, Peppe’s momentum continued to pick up speed, allowing him to achieve Pearl Executive in February 2015. Peppe reached this milestone by keeping his focus fixed on building his team and helping them reach success. His relentless efforts have helped set the pace in Italy as Team Members, inspired by his tireless work ethic and dedication, have dominated the leaderboards in Europe. Synergy’s executive team is impressed by Peppe’s passion and energy. He embodies many of the qualities associated with the Leave a Legacy ideal that the Synergy family lives by.
We are honored to have Peppe on our team and we hope his story will encourage Team Members across the globe to aim high and realize there is no limit to the success that can be achieved with Synergy!
For more of Peppe’s story, CLICK HERE to read an article about his recent achievements in the March 2015 issue of the Legacy eMagazine.
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