Our new website is steadily moving forward towards our goal of having a fully functioning website that will aid our distributors in their quest to promote Synergy and to grow their business. Out latest addition is “My Synergy” and the reports section. This is available to you as a distributor when you log in to your account at https://www.new.synergyworldwide.com
In this week's webinar we will go through these two sections so that you will be comfortable using the reports and personalizing your personal URL.
Welcome to the webinar
What: Nordic Webinar: New Back-Office
When: Wednesday 18th of May at 8pm (Norwegian time) in Norwegian
Thursday 19th of May at 7pm (Finnish time) in English with Finnish translation
Where: Wednesday 18th of May https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84105125580
Thursday 19th of May https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87028998062
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