Summit 2016 in Review
The event that unites Synergy WorldWide Europe every year has come and gone, and this year, Summit 2016 did much more than unite Synergy Team Members across European markets. It was the first step toward uniting Team Members globally under one message and one product system.
With a turnout of nearly 1,500 Team Members, Summit 2016 in Vienna was the largest Synergy Europe event to date. The Wiener Stadthalle was bustling with Summit attendees beginning Thursday, September 22, who were eager to check in, reconnect with friends, and later, attend the red carpeted Welcome Reception. The reception space was packed with Team Members dancing to music spun by a live DJ. Attendees also enjoyed a Mozart impersonator, professional dancers, living statues and caricature artists. This action-packed party set the perfect mood for all of the excitement to come in the Summit sessions.

knowledge on achieving Elite Health through the microbiome, delving into the science behind Synergy’s new Purify Kit products and explaining how these products work individually and collectively to purify the microbiome. Next, Aaron McCain, Director of Marketing, previewed Synergy’s new digital tools, including a newly designed corporate site, simplified shopping and enrollment experience, new replicated sites, and a new, easy-to-use Pulse back office (to be launched later this year). High-achieving Elite Honors qualifiers and Go Elite bonus earners were then recognized, followed by a presentation from one of the most successful Elite Honors qualifiers, Pearl Executive Franz Friess. He taught Team Members how to duplicate by combining the Elite Honors business model and the Purify Kit. Triple Presidential Executive Mark Comer brought the session and day to a close by making parallels to Synergy Korea, before the market exploded with success, and Synergy Europe today. Now with a defined product system and unified messaging, Synergy Europe is poised for explosive growth!

Saturday began with a special breakout session on protecting your Synergy business, featuring Chief Compliance Officer Richard Strulson, after which the third Summit session began with inspiring words on leadership from Double Presidential Executive Dianne Leavitt. A group of Europe’s top leaders gathered on stage for a panel discussion that touched on topics relating to the 5 Pillars of Success, followed by the recognition of new Team Leaders, Team Managers, and Team Directors. The session came to a close after Vice President of Europe Carmelo D’Anzi revealed his vision for Synergy Europe and called everyone in the audience to action in hopes of making this vision a reality.

Synergy Founder Dan Higginson was the last person to take the stage. His moving words encouraged Team Members throughout Europe to make Synergy one of the top network marketing companies in the business with the Elite Health message. Summit 2016 is the start of big things for Synergy Europe! Thanks to all who attended and made it a huge success.
Summit 2016 Begins!
Synergy officially kicked off Summit 2016 festivities with a Welcome Reception attendees will not soon forget. The venue was buzzing with excitement as Team Members enjoyed the entertainment and looked forward to the anticipated weekend!
An in-house DJ and a variety of entertainment acts, including professional dancers, caricature artists, and a Mozart impersonator, kept the positive energy going well into the night.
The evening was undoubtedly the perfect way to begin another historic Synergy Summit.
Remember to use the hashtag #unlockyourlegacy on all of your Summit-related Instagram and Twitter posts!
New Team Elite: James Booth
James is an Irish champion boxer of 17 years and a martial artist of 20 years, which is why he knows how important elite nutrition is for optimal performance. After discovering Synergy in 2010, he quickly learned that the company’s commitment to quality nutrition paralleled his own lifelong beliefs. As a competitive boxer, James strived to excel at his sport, and now, he pushes for that same excellence in his business. James has been steadily climbing Synergy’s ladder of success and in August became Europe’s newest Team Elite.
It’s clear that no matter what James commits to, whether it’s a business venture or a sport, he knows how to execute. When he began martial arts training, he decided he wanted to be a black belt. When he enrolled as a Synergy distributor, he decided to become an executive leader. Now, as a current Team Elite, James is well on his way to reaching that goal.
Even though James doesn’t step into the ring anymore, he still has the same focus and mentality that helps him succeed. Many of the lessons James learned during his boxing career have stuck with him. One particular lesson has remained with him over the years—the importance of establishing a solid foundation, both in boxing, and in business.
James said athletes who are new to boxing don’t jump in the ring during their first week of training, expecting to win. This would more likely put them in a degree of danger. This concept also applies to running a Synergy business. It may take a little while to build the foundation, but once it’s established, the possibilities of success are endless.
“My life has changed completely in the five years I’ve been with Synergy,” James said. “I get paid for the effort I put into my work. Network marketing is a lot like mining. Initially, you put a lot of work into digging every day to find what you’re looking for, but eventually, if you stick with it, you will strike gold.”
#UnlockYourLegacy – Summit 2016
Want to see your face on the big screen at the 2016 Summit in Vienna? Well here’s how you can!
Simply use your Instragram or Twitter account to post pictures, while using the hashtag #unlockyourlegacy and we’ll take care of the rest. A live stream of pictures will be featured on screens throughout the venue as we fill social media channels with the excitement from Vienna!
Don’t have an Instagram or Twitter account? Don’t worry! You can sign up for free.
With Summit just days away, the anticipation continues to build for what’s to come. So if you’re sharing your excitement on Instagram or Twitter in the meantime, go ahead and use #unlockyourlegacy and let the social sharing begin today!
See you in Vienna!
VIP Reception Qualifiers
Summit is almost here! That means the VIP Reception is just around the corner and we have had an impressive amount of Team Members qualify to attend this year.
These individuals qualified by either:
1. Achieving Team Director or above between September, 2015, and August, 2016, OR
2. Maintaining Team Director or above for a minimum of two months since January 2016.
Congratulations to the follow Team Members for qualifying to attend the 2016 VIP Reception!
Hakan Cetin (Austria)
Robert Suppan (Austria)
Elfriede Tappauf (Austria)
Sandra Hübsch (Austria)
Franz Friess & Ana Vajda-Friess (Austria)
Sabine Feitl (Austria)
Stefan Dörfler (Austria)
Eric & Kati Gammals (Finland)
Miimu Jaatinen (Finland)
Anna-Maija & Hannu Kreivi (Finland)
Galyna Rajala (Finland)
Sabine Link (Germany)
Michael & Claudia Ziemke-Wald (Germany)
Susanne & Thorsten Kupske (Germany)
Keith Robinson (Ireland)
James Booth (Ireland)
Yvonne Timmins (Ireland)
Maurizio Biasci (Italy)
Martin Østvang (Norway)
Mads Østvang (Norway)
Oistein Bekkvang (Norway)
Stefan Patrik Kristoffersen (Norway)
Reidun Dalheim (Norway)
Stein Magne Osmoen & Ingrid Haugan (Norway)
Zdenek & Martina Sladek (Czech Republic)
Heidi Byrkjeland (Sweden)
Teri Rigby (United Kingdom)
We look forward to seeing all these qualifiers at the beautiful Hotel Imperial in downtown Vienna where you will enjoy great food and incredible culture, and be able to mingle with Synergy’s top leaders and executives.
Purchase the New Synergy Event Tablecloth!
Put the finishing touch on your very own Synergy meetings and events by purchasing a NEW Synergy branded tablecloth!
This high-quality tablecloth is 100% polyester and 200 cm x 147 cm complete with Synergy logos. Set the stage at your meetings with Synergy blue, giving all of yourself an attractive place to set your product samples, pamphlets, and other meeting essentials.
Visit the Synergy Tools website to purchase the tablecloth in addition to all other Synergy merchandise.
Qualify for the Leadership Power Training
Each day we’re getting closer the upcoming Leadership Power Training at our new European Headquarters in Barcelona Spain! You have plenty of time to qualify for this wonderful event and we encourage you to taking the necessary steps in order to qualify for this exclusive training.
The weekend event will take place December 2-4 where Team Members will enjoy a full schedule of meetings, trainings, and team building at the World Trade Center Barcelona Auditorium. Listed below are the dates and agenda for the Power Training:
Friday, December 2
20:00 - VIP DINNER
Saturday, December 3
09:00 to 12:30 - Training Session I
12:30 to 14:00 - SLM Healthy Lunch
14:00 to 17:00 – Training Session II
Team Members will have the evening free to do as they wish.
Sunday, December 4
09:00 to 11:00 – Breakout Meeting & Recognition
We would like to congratulate the following individuals on already qualifying for the Leadership Power Training, we look forward to seeing them in December!
Robert Suppan (Austria)
Anita Vidovitsch (Austria)
Elisabeth Muellner (Austria)
Trollmann Manuela (Austria)
Veronika Guggenberger (Austria)
Eric & Kati Gammals (Finland)
Salme Ala-Heikkilä & Reijo Ojanen (Finland)
Päivi & Kimmo Kangas (Finland)
Claudia & Michaelziemke-Wald (Germany)
Keith Robinson (Ireland)
Mandy Blaney & Daniel Gallagher (Ireland)
Mary Booth (Ireland)
Yvonne E. Timmins (Ireland)
Josephine Fullerton (Ireland)
Martin Østvang (Norway)
Knut Inge Busk (Norway)
Stein Magne & Osmoen Ingrid Haugan (Norway)
Glenn Skamsar,
Piotr Gotowicki & Dietmar Dahmen (Poland)
Unni & Karl Warpe (Spain)
Rafael Lopez Torrecilla (Spain)
Teri Rigby (United Kingdom)
These individuals are currently qualified for admission to Leadership Power Training and the event’s VIP Dinner. Their level of qualification may change in the coming months based on their merit. CLICK HERE for full details on event qualifications.
PLEASE NOTE qualification rewards are for one person per qualified account; however, rewards will apply to the business partners and/or spouses of Team Members who qualify at the rank of Team Elite or above. They will be allowed to share a double room, and BOTH will be invited to the VIP dinner. Airfare will be reimbursed up to €250 for the account, not per person. Synergy will book all hotel accommodations. Qualifiers who do not accept hotel accommodation will not be reimbursed for the value of the room.
New Diamond Executive: Bart Woodcook
Congratulations to Synergy’s newest Diamond Executive Bart Woodcook!
Prior to becoming one of Synergy’s top leaders, Bart spent long hours building custom closets in the Seattle, Wash., area. It was during this time that he learned how important time and sacrifice are to achieving success.
Since his closet-building days, Bart has found that the lessons he learned in this trade helped him become successful in the network marketing. Keeping a network marketing business alive requires tireless work ethic, unwavering dedication to a team, and sustained passion for a company’s products, all of which describe the way Bart ran his business in Washington. When Bart started his Synergy business, applying these principles was seamless because he found the right company to support.
Bart is a major contributor to Synergy’s overall success and his organization has been instrumental to Synergy Europe’s explosive growth over the years. During his hectic and exciting early years with Synergy, Bart traveled from his home in Buckley, Wash., to various locations throughout Europe to grow and support the business. The constant back and forth between Europe and the U.S. led Bart to purchase his dream home in Spain to be closer to his team. It is because of Bart’s relentless dedication that he has obtained the title of Diamond Executive and is one step away from becoming Synergy’s next Presidential Executive.
Synergy executives cherish their relationship with Bart and believe he greatly benefits the company as a global leader. His business is built on principles of trust, honesty, and mutual respect, and his passion for Synergy shines through every time he introduces its opportunities to someone new.
Congratulations August Go Elite Earners
An elite group of Synergy Team Members went beyond the call of duty in August by not only becoming Elite Honors Qualified, but training those they sponsor to become Elite Honors Qualified. By fulfilling the Elite Honors requirements and sponsoring requirements, these Team Members earned Go Elite bonuses based on the number of Elite Honors Qualifiers they sponsored. Click here to learn more about the Go Elite Promotion.
Synergy WorldWide paid out €19950 in Go Elite bonuses in August. Amazing! We hope that this payout will continue to increase until the Go Elite promotion ends on December 31, 2016.
Challenge yourself to Go Elite this month!
Dan Higginson Wants Your Help!
Dear Synergy Family,
Team Synergy is going up against Team Nature’s Sunshine Products in a friendly competition to help raise funds and awareness for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, an organization I am passionate about and determined to support. This foundation actively fights against type 1 diabetes by raising awareness, gathering new knowledge, and funding new scientific research.
Each year, about 15,000 children and 15,000 adults are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Currently, type 1 diabetes is an incurable disease, but, together, we have the opportunity to help make this reality a thing of the past. Synergy and NSP have elected to compete against each other in a donation battle for this wonderful foundation. I feel personally responsible to make sure Team Synergy comes out on top as I will be leading the upcoming JDRF Utah walks on September 17 in Provo and September 24 in Salt Lake City.
I ask every one of you to join me in this cause and donate at least $1.
Thank you to those who have already donated, your generosity is well spent. I am happy to announce that we have already raised more than $4,000, but I know we can do so much more!
Together, let’s show what Synergy stands for and multiply the funds we’ve already raised. And let’s beat Team NSP!
Thank you all for being a part of this team; I’m proud to be associated with such generous and compassionate individuals who live to Leave a Legacy.
Dan Higginson
Synergy WorldWide
August 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers

The Elite Honors program is streamlining the way organizations do business with Synergy WordWide while maximizing each Team Member’s earning potential. Team Members following the program are seeing the extra rewards that are made possible through the Go Elite promotion as they continue doing what they’ve been doing all along—building their Synergy businesses.
August 2016 Recognition

Listed below are the names of everyone in Europe who rank advanced this month! Congratulations to our hardworking Team Members who continue to dedicate tremendous time and effort to their Synergy business.
Norway Team Member Race for Synergy
Inspired by IAM Cycling, a group of Synergy Norway Team Members assembled themselves to create their own cycling team in pursuit of better health and to share the Synergy message. And it all started with a simple challenge that Presidential Executive Mads Østvang issued to his team to complete the Trysilrittet, a well-known cycling race in Norway.
Led in part by Emerald Executive Stefan Patrik Kristoffersen, the team has developed a passion for cycling over the summer. From June to August, the team competed in three races donning IAM Cycling jerseys donated by the official Synergy sponsored IAM Cycling professional team.
A total of six Team Members completed the Trysilrittet through Trysil’s majestic mountains. Stefan Patrik said one of the stand-out individuals on their team is 70-year-old Olav Hindseth who was able to complete the 75 k Trysilrittet much faster than many of his younger competitors. The team looks forward to repeating this race again next summer, involving as many Synergy Team Members as possible to raise money for Synergy’s non-profit partner 5 Star Legacy.
Fully engaged in the Leave a Legacy mission, Norwegian Team Members participated in and completed the Activ Against Cancer Osensjøen Rundt, a 61 km cycling race established to raise money for hospitals that treat children battling cancer.
Most recently, 12 Team Members competed in their longest race yet, the 86 km Birkebeinerrittet, Norway’s largest cycling race. Team Members participating relied on Synergy products to help them energize before and during the race, and recover after crossing the finish line.
We applaud all of these Team Members for their proactivity in sharing Synergy’s message by participating in health and charity-driven events and activities!
#UnlockYourLegacy – Summit 2016
Want to see your face on the big screen at the 2016 Summit in Vienna? Well here’s how you can!
Simply use your Instragram or Twitter account to post pictures, while using the hashtag #unlockyourlegacy and we’ll take care of the rest. A live stream of pictures will be featured on screens throughout the venue as we fill social media channels with the excitement from Vienna!
Don’t have an Instagram or Twitter account? Don’t worry! You can sign up for free.
With Summit just weeks away, the anticipation continues to build for what’s to come. So if you’re sharing your excitement on Instagram or Twitter in the meantime, go ahead and use #unlockyourlegacy and let the social sharing begin today!
See you in Vienna! #unlockyourlegacy
Introducing Recruiter of the Month 2016
Synergy is proud to introduce the Recruiter of the Month competition!

An official Synergy Top Recruiter medal will be given out each month for the winner, and the Team Member that wins the gold medal will also be recognized on the blog as the Top Recruiter for that month. We will hold this competition each month until the end of the year where we will announce the ‘Recruiter of the Year’ award and present them with a grand prize and highlight them as the best recruiter of 2016.
To participate:
- Team Members have to be Elite Honors qualified for that month
- There must be a minimum of three (3) enrolled Team Members that are both registered and have paid for an activation order with the business fee in the calendar month.
If there is a tie between two or more Team Members, the tiebreaker will be based on who has the higher activation volume.
For questions, contact Customer Service at
Good luck to everyone!
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september 2016
- Summit 2016 Recap Video!
- Summit 2016 in Review
- Summit 2016 Begins!
- New Team Elite: James Booth
- #UnlockYourLegacy – Summit 2016
- VIP Reception Qualifiers
- Purchase the New Synergy Event Tablecloth!
- Qualify for the Leadership Power Training
- New Diamond Executive: Bart Woodcook
- Congratulations August Go Elite Earners
- Dan Higginson Wants Your Help!
- August 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers
- August 2016 Recognition
- Norway Team Member Race for Synergy
- #UnlockYourLegacy – Summit 2016
- Introducing Recruiter of the Month 2016
- ► ágúst 2016 (14)
- ► apríl 2016 (14)
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