Team Members Earn Highest Go Elite Bonus

In early November, two Synergy distributors and partners from Austria were announced as the first Team Members to earn the highest Go Elite bonus of €1200. This means that they became Elite Honors qualified and sponored 10 or more Elite Honors qualifiers in one month.

Congratulations, Pearl Executive Franz Friess and Team Leader Corinna Fröwein! These exemplary leaders have proven that earning the highest Go Elite payout is attainable through focus and determination. A special congratulations to Franz for exceeding the highest Go Elite bonus qualification in October and sponsoring 11 Elite Honors qualifiers.

Corinna and Franz didn’t jump into Elite Honors blindly. They sat down after the Elite Honors launch at Summit 2015 and devised a detailed plan, which made accomplishing their goals easier, Corinna said. Though their plan made the task at hand „easier“, it did not necessarily make it „easy.“ They were on the road constantly, working long days to achieve this goal.

Franz knew from the beginning that he wanted to be the first Team Member in Europe to sponsor at least 10 Elite Honors qualifiers in one month. It was of the utmost imporance to him to show those he was leading what was possible through this new business model.

„I am absolutely sure that the Elite Honors earnings model has the power to change everything,“ Franz said. „I’ve seen many new Team Members celebrate their earnings. Most of my Elite Honors qualifiers were actually new Team Members. As soon as I signed them up I began encouraging them to become Elite Honors qualified.“

Corinna arranges meetings in her home and public presentations to teach people more about Elite Honors. She said many of the Team Members in her downline have committed to do everything in their power to become qualifiers becaue they know it is the most successful way to build their businesses. Corinna and Franz spend a great deal of time supporting those who are working toward Elite Honors.

Both Corinna and Franz siad they know the Elite Honors business model works because they’ve witnessed it. Their commissions have increased in the last two months becaue they are actively building their Synergy business along with the majority of their team.

 „Believe in yourself and don’t listen to the voices in your head that say you can’t,“ Corinna said. „I wanted to show people that anyone in Europe can earn this bonus. I don’t have one of the highest titles with Synergy, but it was possible for me to earn the highest possible amount through the Go Elite Promotion.“

Franz and Corinna hope that Elite Honors is an essential part of the Synergy business long-term. Franz expressed his gratitude for Corinna’s tireless efforts and strong belief, calling her Austria’s “superstar”.

Go Elite bonuses have been up for grabs for more than two months and Synergy has already paid out more than €42000. Click here to learn how to earn a Go Elite bonus.

Remember, you have until February 29, 2016, to take advantage of the Go Elite bonus promotion!


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